
Let it snow

In the six years that we have been here we have only had ‘proper snow’ twice – both courtesy of the ‘Beast from the East’ . 

The snow has  been delivered on Arctic winds which have seen temperatures drop and the previous mild weather quickly became a distant memory. Fortunately with our woods between us and the coast, the house and garden have been protected from the worst of the easterlies and the snow didn’t drift too much (not that drifts stopped Lola when we were out on walks – seeing them more as hurdles to be leaped).

As you can see the zig zag of the roof has really been emphasised by the snow – especially with the shingles darkened by the snow flurries.



Of course there was some sunshine too which made everything gleam.  The areas recently cleared became a huge blanket of snow.  Let’s hope the small plants so recently planted have survived several days of ice and sub zero temperatures.


These are the room decks.  We didn’t bother clearing them as, with the Lockdown, we are closed.  What a shame to have no one here to enjoy the wintry panorama..